Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back on Track


I know I've been slacking again with writing my blog, but I have been making moves! Over the past year, so much has happened, and so I've been working on getting back on track.

Most recently I had an encounter w/God and I my relationship w/Him got back on track. I'll admit, I wasn't too thrilled about the things I have endured in the last year, and so I sort of, kind of, strayed away a little. I didn't completely backslide, lol, but I wasn't praying right. I wasn't studying the Word like I should. Honestly, I was trying to handle things on my own. But, just one encounter last Saturday took me to a different place spiritually! I'm back on track!

God has divinely connected me w/some people & I'm even getting my business life back on track! I'm taking myself seriously, realizing I've wasted enough time and it's now time for me to take authority and claim what God says is mine!

What areas in your life do you need to get back on track? What caused your detours? Once you identify the answers to those questions, you're one step closer to getting back on track. God is gving you the green light & it's time for you to get up and be about your life. It's time for you to walk in your calling and live out your purpose. The world is waiting on you! You were destined for something great! Believe it!

I'm going to do better about blogging because I have so much I want to say to you guys. Please bear with me! I'm working on getting a couple of assistants to help me get organized so I can keep up with all that I'm tryng to do. In the meantime, y'all keep praying for me. I'm certainly praying for you!

I love you!

Be blessed!


  1. Your blog is a tease!! More, more, more! lol Actually, I UNDERSTAND the difficulty in keeping it current with everything you have going on. Stay strong and I can't say it enough...I'm so proud of you!

  2. I have been looking for awhile for Diary there a release date in sight?


Thank you for your comment! ~D. Wash