Friday, July 1, 2011

In God I Trust...Sometimes

It's been some days since I wrote but my daughter is teething! And no one warned me for what I was about to go through! Geesh. My days have been long and the nights have been longer. Make sure when y'all pray at night, you lift a sista' up! :-) Lol

I don't have a long entry tonight. I just wanted to share with you something that I have been praying/fasting about since April. My trust in God. You know, it's really easy for us to say that we trust God, but when we find ourselves in certain situations, particular predicaments, or unusual quandaries, it often tests our faith. If you ask me if I trust God, I would immediately say, yes. But, when it comes down to it, when the storms start raging, when the fire is too hot--I often time lose my trust. I get tempted to start operating in my own logic. I know all of the scriptures any Christian should know concerning trust/faith, but boy does it get hard!

Lately, I've been hearing the same message over and over again. "Trust God." Strangers have been calling me to say that's what the Lord has led them to say to me. Family members. Friends. Everybody has been saying the same thing. So, it hit me earlier tonight that maybe--just maybe--I need to take heed and start working on trusting God more.

When you look back over your life, how much of it have you controlled anyway? You would think that we would know and understand that we can do nothing apart from God, but yet we try to take our problems, our situations, our needs, into our own hands. Our hands are not big enough to hold all of our stuff, but when we put our lives in the hands of God, we're assured that He can handle it. I'm reminded of a childhood song, "He's got the whole world in His hands." And He loves and cares about us so much, He will not allow the enemy to take either one of us out.

So, how much are you trusting God with your life? Are you putting your faith in Him? I believe that the body of Christ is about to go through a major shift. I believe that we are yet again about to walk in a season of prosperity. But, this season will be only for those who have not lost hope. For those who have kept the faith. Don't let your harvest rot because you walked away from the field to quick. You've taken all this time to plant the seeds. You've put your blood sweat and tears into nurturing your harvest. So, hang in there. You shall reap if you faint not!
Love you guys! Pray for me & I'm certainly praying for you!

Have a great night!

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