Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's Been Too Long...

I ran across my own blog today. Go figure. I read through some of my old posts and all I could do was cry. I cried because I've been through a lot. I cried because I've survived a lot. I cried because when I look back over my life and think things over, God has been good to me. It's been two years since I wrote an entry. Seems as though I could never get into this blogging thing but people swear by it now. I thought I may give it another go. If I try to cram into this one entry what has been going on for the past two years, y'all would certainly stop reading and would probably never return to read anything else I write. Lol So, for this post, I'm just coming back to say, "Hello," and that I'm back...again! If you've read my other posts here you already know I'm transparent, and that is the standard I have set for my life. I don't tell ALL my business, but I usually tell a good bit of it. Lol I just believe that's how people's lives are changed. My successes and failures could help someone else. So, get ready for the ride. I can't wait to dive back in and let y'all read a peek into "The Diary." This blog used to be named after my first book, Diary of a Mad First Lady, but I ain't mad no more! Just kidding. I was never mad in the first place. Not for real. hehehe But, seriously, I've had more heartbreak, more agony, more trials, more tribulations, more joys, more laughs, more triumphs, and more blessings since my last post but all of it, the good and the bad, has made me better,stronger, wiser. I'll post a little later (currently in the writing cave) and catch you up on all of my tea. ;-) Yours truly, DiShan

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