Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Diary of A Mad First Lady

I get questions all of the time from readers wanting to know if my book is loosely based on my life. The answer is, "YES!" And, y'all should know that I'm not afraid to talk about anything that I've been through. I believe strongly in being as transparent with people as possible because I've ran into enough superficial, self-righteous people trying to live so holy that they can't share their struggles. I'ma just keep it real at all times!

So, in my book and in the books to come, I write and will write, about some things that have happened to me, as well as how I reacted to them. I can't say that I've always made the right decisions but I can say that I've tried to.

I got married when I was 16 years old. I became a first lady at the age of 17. Since that time, I've often wondered why somebody didn't slap me before I said, "I Do". Well, actually, they did try to slap me. I just slapped back. LOL! I was very adamant about getting married because I felt that was what God wanted me to do. I was NOT pregnant as I was rumored to be. I just simply did it because I felt I was obeying God. In hindsight, I don't know if I would do it all over again. Don't get me wrong; being a first lady has had its rewards, but the challenges that I've encountered has sometimes blinded me from the joys of both marriage and ministry.

I know people are interested in knowing personal details about my life, and in the next several blogs, I plan to share with all of you in the blog-a-sphere, several parts of my testimony. This won't be the blog for you if you're expecting to read about a perfect woman. But, it is the blog for you if you're ready to read about an imperfect woman who still struggles at times; but who serves a perfect God who is always waiting to pick me up when I fall.

In the meantime be blessed & keep it real!

The One & Only,

D. Wash


  1. Can you book be in electronic format for my nook?

  2. FINALLY a real person that loves the Lord! Thank you! No, I am not a first lady but I've worked in the church the majority of my life and the things that I have seen and heard are enough to send even the strongest believer running from the church and the Lord. The information you are supplying will be more than helpful to ministers and laypersons as well as first ladies.

    I came to this blog through my daughter who is reading your book. Hopefully I will have an opportunity to do so also. I just wanted to send a note of thanks because there are far too many "ain'ts" than "saints" in the churches. I am more concerned with the inner person than the outter appearance. Everything is not as it appears. Keep up the encouraging work and BE BLESSED! JCSH - Brooklyn, NY


Thank you for your comment! ~D. Wash