Monday, June 21, 2010

You Can't Even Be Serious!

Hey, y'all!

Okay, so I'm going to make this real short and sweet. (I'll try--lol) I've been pondering this all day long, because what I'm about to say honestly hurt me. And, when I was thinking about what I wanted to write on the blog today, I reminded myself that I made a promise to always keep it real.

So, with that being said...

I was at church this morning sharing some exciting news with someone. And, after she rejoiced with me, she said, "Lady D, are you going to make this announcement to the church?" I said, "I sure am. Why not?" Well, in an effort to do what she felt was protecting me from my haters, she said, "Well, you know some people are complaining that they are tired of hearing about what's going on with you and your book, etc, etc."

Y'all I was floored. I was like, huh? Are you kidding me? You can't be serious! Why would any real Christian have an issue with me testifying about the goodness of God? I'm like the church family should be able to rejoice with you even when the haters in the street won't. I am going to be honest. This made me mad. And, I mean MAD as you know what! Ugh! Now I know with every blessing comes persecution. But, goodness. I can't testify in church?? Really?? Like for real?? You know what? I feel that if someone is attending church and get tired of hearing about the goodness of God in somebody's life, one should question whether church is even a place they should go.

See, this is the kind of stuff I was talking about on my earlier blog. CHURCH PEOPLE. Christians don't hate on other Christians. They rejoice with one another. They applaud one another. Because I believe if God is blessing my neighbor, that means He's in my neighborhood!

Point being...don't let jealousy consume you. Your day is coming. God is going to do something supernatural in your life. In the meantime, give Him praise for what He's doing in the lives of those around you. One day a blessing with your name on it will land on your doorstep!

Hope I haven't offended anyone. I'm just what? KEEPING IT REAL!

Love you to life!


The One & Only,

D. Wash


  1. Although many people can't handle the truth, PLEASE continue to keep it real.

    Most people can't handle hearing what God has done in another's life because they don't see Him working in their own life or should I say, they won't LET Him work in their life.

  2. {Why did that even get back to you.?}...

    Even though I could believe it lol, some people are just like that smh.

    I am amazed at what God is doing and is continuing to do in your life... "With that being said" lol, please overlook and continue to overcome that...

    "I believe if God is blessing my neighbor, that means He's in my neighborhood!"
    I like that lol

    I feel you completely,

    Please keep posting, I'll keep reading lol

  3. Now see, I might have to be a little more louder now!!!! lol


Thank you for your comment! ~D. Wash