Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lord, Help Me To Stay Out of Closed Doors!

Have you ever been involved in business relationships, personal relationships, etc that ended, and in the long run you realized it was for the best? Really? Me, too!

But, recently, I have found myself wanting to crack open some doors that the Lord CLEARLY closed. You know how it is when you're sitting around thinking about your life, and what needs to be done in order to get to where you're trying to go, it gets mighty tempting to go back up to that door and knock.

I, for one, am good at trying to handle things on my own, and when I don't feel God is moving fast enough, I get going. And, I cannot tell you how much trouble that has gotten me into. And, you would think that since I know the consequences of pushing down closed doors, I would wait on God. Yeah, er, uhm...

I think it's safe to say that a lot of my disappointments, heartaches, and failures have been the direct result of me getting in front of God, trying to do His job. It's a reason my life's resume doesn't include previous experience at being God. He is God alone. All by Himself. But, you know how we do.

Last year I made a decision to do something. I had always wanted to do it. I had been speaking it for many years, and finally I was presented an opportunity to do it. When I got to the signing table, I could hear bells, whistles, sirens, horns, bullhorns, megaphones, everything shouting at me not to do it. I signed on the dotted line, and in less than six months, it turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Every time I ride by this place now, I say a quick thank you. Not because it didn't work out, but because the Lord got me out of there!!

Even with all of the countless examples I could refer to of the Lord warning me and/or shutting things down, I was tempted today to call some numbers, send some emails, send a FB message, etc to some CLOSED DOORS. I'm sure you can tell how aggressive I am when it comes to my future, my destiny...and there have been some people God removed from my life who at one point I thought were the key to me going forward, but turned out to be otherwise. Yet, I was sitting somewhere today looking glossy eyed trying to tell myself all the reasons I need to JUST LET IT GO. WALK AWAY and STAY AWAY. Y'all know what I mean when you are staring into space for so long your eyes water up. Yep, that's how I was today. Why? B/c I'm getting impatient. I'm starting to grow weary of waiting on God. But, I heard in my spirit tonight, "My strength is made perfect in your weakness." So, I decided to just surrender all. I decided that those closed doors will stay closed. I won't lie and say that I won't be tempted to walk up to them every now and then and try to peek behind them, but I think I'll wait on God to open the right doors. Because the doors He opens, no man can close.

Love you guys, and I hope you stay away from those closed doors. It's a reason He closed them. Trust in the Lord & HE will give you the desires of your heart.

Til next time...keep it real!


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Thank you for your comment! ~D. Wash