Sunday, June 12, 2011

One of those nights...

I know it's late y'all, but I'm sitting under the dryer in this quiet room and my mind is running a thousand miles per hour! It's nights like these when I come up with my most creative ideas (books, plays, etc etc) So, as I am sitting here I'm giving serious thought to writing a tell-all book about my life. Do y'all think people will read it? I mean, I've only been living for almost 31 years, but my God the things I've been through have been...whew. Getting married @ 16...I could start right there! Lol

So, anyway...

Today, I was reading my timeline on Twitter, and b/c I follow a lot of Pastors, I'm able to see some very interesting discussions. Seemingly, the hot topic today was Steve Harvey hosting TBN last night. And, y'all know what? Call me crazy, unholy, unsaved--whatever you want--but I see no problem with it. Some Pastors were going in on him & was accusing him of trying to preach, blah, blah, blah. First of all, who are we to judge? Second of all, since when was it wrong for anyone to talk & proclaim the name of Jesus?? Isn't the purpose of our Christianity to witness Jesus Christ? Seriously, we as Christians need to get off of our high horses! We need to be careful who we call saved & unsaved based on what we know about a person. Truth be told, until we die, our testimony is not complete. As my grandmother would say, "Just keep on living." You never know when you may find yourself in need of grace. I can testify that if it had not been for the grace of God keeping me when I couldn't keep myself, I'd be a total mess!

So, let's stop bashing one another & pointing our judgemental finger at people who may not be "as saved as you."We are a wretched undone & need the new mercies we receive daily.

Okay, I'm done fussing. Lol I'm just tired of so-called church people. I've lived my life under a microscope my entire life. And, if you take a close look at me now, you'll see some flaws. I don't falunt them but I certainly don't deny their existence. If we would be honest about the things we struggle with, more people might get delivered.

For real this time, I'm done fussing. :-)

Welcome to all of my new followers and welcome back to the ones I already had. My main purpose is to use my life to be an encouragement to you so you can live your life freely. I spent many years living for other people. Trying to gain the approval of other people. It wore me out. I'm. Done.

Take care & have a blessed Sunday! And, remember to Keep it real!

Love ya!


  1. I'd definitely read your life story! I think we need to hear more about Christians who "keep it real" because so often people feel that since they aren't perfect that God can't love them. I know I'm not perfect but I try to make the most of the good and work on the bad. And through it all I know that I know that God loves me! Keep up the good work!

  2. Good morning. I would love to read your life story. I take my hat off to "preacher wife's" you all have to take so much. and like you said you all life is always under the microscope. But just remember that God is always in control. I look at my pastor's wife, She like you are very beautiful. I see all the stuff she has to go through. and she still comes out with a smile. I think that you are a beautiful woman of God. You are a great writer. keep up the great work.


Thank you for your comment! ~D. Wash